The City of Sandy Springs is deeply saddened by the loss of its first Fire Chief, Jack McElfish. McElfish led the Sandy Springs Fire Department from its inception in 2006, bringing with him decades of experience, passion, and an unwavering commitment to public safety. He served a...
To celebrate the arrival of the fall season, the City of Sandy Springs Recreation and Parks Department is excited to host its annual Fall Fun for All at Morgan Falls Overlook Park on September 19. This event is designed to promote inclusivity within the community and is open to a...
The City of Sandy Springs is excited to unveil its newest signature event: OktoberFEAST. This family-friendly celebration will be held October 19 and 20 at City Springs, featuring a vibrant array of fall festivities. From 3 p.m. to 9 p.m. each day, guests can immerse themselves i...
The City of Sandy Springs is proudly expanding Veterans Park to honor the brave men and women who have served our country. In collaboration with the Sandy Springs Foundation, the City invites the community to contribute to this enduring tribute through the purchase of personalize...
At the City Council meeting held Tuesday, August 20, the City of Sandy Springs Fire Department was presented with the Public Protection Classification (PPC) of 1 from the Insurance Services Office (ISO). Vice President of Community Hazard Mitigation with Verisk/ISO Michael Morash...
The City of Sandy Springs is thrilled to unveil the full schedule for the highly anticipated second annual Blue Stone Arts & Music Festival. This year’s event will feature a dynamic lineup, including one of country music’s most celebrated groups, Lonestar. The award-winning band ...
Sandy Springs Connects!, the Perimeter’s premier career expo, returns on Thursday, September 12 to link qualified jobseekers with local Sandy Springs businesses. The free event will be held from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Sandy Springs Performing Arts Center and will feature dozens...
The City of Sandy Springs is proud to announce three new opportunities for families to share memorable movie nights with neighbors and friends under the stars. Movies by Moonlight is back for its second season at Heritage Amphitheatre (6110 Blue Stone Road, Sandy Springs, 30328) ...
The City of Sandy Springs invites the community to share their input on draft concepts for the North Springs MARTA Corridor Study during interactive community input meetings on Thursday, August 22. The feedback received from these meetings will help refine draft concepts for the...
The City of Sandy Springs will kick off the school year and honor local law enforcement with its annual Back to School Bash – A National Night Out Event. Set for Tuesday, August 6, this event celebrates National Night Out while fostering stronger community-police relations and pr...
The City of Sandy Springs will host two public input meetings for its Safety Action Plan, designed to reduce fatal and severe injury crashes on roadways throughout the city. Both meetings will cover identical content. Meeting Details:
• Thursday, August 29
o 11 a.m. to...
The City of Sandy Springs has partnered with Everbridge, a mass notification software, to power Sandy Springs Alerts. Those who register will receive notices about critical events such as severe weather, power outages and other concerns related to safety of those in Sandy Springs...
The City of Sandy Springs, Mayor and City Council today announces its intention to increase the property taxes it will levy this year by 2.19 percentage over the rollback millage rate. This tentative increase will result in a millage rate of 4.731 mills, as set by City Charter. C...
The City of Sandy Springs and the Perimeter Community Improvement District (PCID) will be hosting a public open house regarding the Peachtree Dunwoody Road Multi-Use Trail. The meeting will give the community the opportunity to provide input on the proposed path.
WHEN: Thursday...
The City of Sandy Springs is thrilled to announce that the Grammy Award-nominated Spin Doctors will headline the second annual Blue Stone Arts & Music Festival. Scheduled for Friday, September 27 from 4 p.m. to 10 p.m. and Saturday, September 28 from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m., Blue Ston...
The City of Sandy Springs today proudly announced it received a Special Achievement in GIS Award at the 2024 Esri User Conference. This award is given to user sites worldwide to recognize outstanding work with GIS technology and was presented during the Plenary Session on July 17...
The City of Sandy Springs today announced the appointment of Chris Burnett as Director of Economic Development. A 35-year resident of Sandy Springs, Burnett will be responsible for Citywide economic development efforts. His first day is August 15. As Director, Burnett will implem...
Sandy Springs opened applications for the Citizens’ Leadership Academy. The multi-week program, designed to empower and educate residents and businesses within the community, offers a comprehensive and engaging curriculum tailored to foster an informed and active citizenry.
The City’s long-term credit rating has been upgraded to ‘AAA” from Standard & Poor’s Global Ratings. ‘AAA’ is the highest rating possible for a municipality. This is the City’s 2nd Triple A-rating. Moody’s awarded its highest rating to Sandy Springs in 2015, and affirmed in 2020.
In partnership with Georgia Audubon, the City's Recreation and Parks Department is hosting morning bird watching activities at Morgan Falls Overlook Park on July 16 and 18.
Independence Day will go off with a bang in Sandy Springs as the City’s Stars & Stripes Fireworks Celebration will again light the sky over City Springs. The event will take place on Monday, July 4.
The new program features specially designed kayaks specially designed to create an opportunity for river enthusiasts with disabilities to safely enjoy kayaking. To learn more, visit the City's website.
Ranging from traditional summer day camps to specialty camps, there are more than 30 camps offering something for everyone at convenient locations and competitive prices.
The City of Sandy Springs approved an amendment with Gresham Smith to continue to its work on the TSPLOST Hammond Drive Corridor Project in the TSPLOST 2021 project limits between Boylston Road and Glenridge Road.
Sandy Springs and other cities across the nation are committing to a simple motto: “active kids are healthy kids” and National Kids to Parks Day encourages residents to use local parks and recreation sites to develop more active, healthy lifestyles.
We wrap up our Public Service Recognition Week celebration with Jane Jarrett, program manager for the City of Sandy Springs Recreation and Parks Department.
The information gathered from the Roswell Road Access Management Study will be used to finalize a plan that will include a phased list of projects, cost, and other implementation guidance to help the City identify short-term and long-term solutions along Roswell Road.
Today’s Public Service Recognition Week post introduces Field Services Manager John Liu with the Public Works Department. Liu shares insights into what he considers a top priority for his role with the City.
Day three of Public Service Recognition Week features Code Enforcement Manager Yvonne Shaw and she offers advice for anyone considering a job in public service.
Public Service Recognition Week is May 1-7. Each day we will introduce you to a different member of our team. Meet Otis Johnson, a second-generation firefighter.
Public Service Recognition Week is May 1-7. Each day we will introduce you to a different member of our team. Meet Naeemah Wellington with the Sandy Springs Police Department. Officer Wellington is a self-described, "Law Enforcement Baby!"
The first session in the series will be a webinar on May 24 from 10–11:30 a.m. on business counseling & mentoring services and include representatives from SBA, University of Georgia Small Business Development Center, and the Service Corps of Retired Executives (SCORE).
The City earned the "Tree Cities of the World" recognition for the third year in a row. According to a tree canopy assessment performed using imagery from the 2019 U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Agriculture Imagery Program, Sandy Springs is 57% to 60% tree covered.
The City's Bicycle Patrol Unit recently underwent training and certification, and invited companies from Smyrna and Johns Creek to come along for the ride!
The popular event returns on Feb. 12 with a new feature. New this year, the Recreation and Parks Department is partnering with the Sandy Springs Police and Fire departments to provide dancing partners for girls whose fathers are not available to accompany them to the event.
Due to the evolving COVID-19 situation, the City will celebrate the life and work of Dr. King with an encore presentation of last year's video that featured local children.
City Hall will be closed Thursday Dec. 30 at 2 p.m. and on Friday, Dec. 31 to observe the New Year holiday. Wishing everyone a healthy, and happy new year!
The City is partnering with the Fulton Perimeter Community Improvement District on the Mount Vernon Highway Corridor Improvement Project to work on a project to improve the Mount Vernon Highway Corridor from east of the Fulton County Public Library to Perimeter Center West.
The upcoming performance of Joe Alterman's trio with jazz legend Houston Person will be a reunion of two dear friends whose collaborations go back for years.
Beginning with chestnuts roasting on an open fire, sprinkled in with sugarplums dancing, and capped off with a bubbly welcome to the new year, a curated program of family entertainment, national favorites, and classic holiday performances will offer something for everyone.
Sandy Springs has selected the Heritage Building to house the Georgia Holocaust Memorial and Anne Frank in the World exhibit as part of its partnership with the Georgia Commission on the Holocaust.
Sandy Springs awards paving contract to the Blount Construction Company. Blount will perform all of the subsurface, resurfacing, striping, and related work on the approved streets, as well as the streets that were deferred from the FY2020 and FY2021 resurfacing contracts.
The North Fulton Regional Radio System Authority will hold its quarterly meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 12 at 10 a.m. at Roswell City Hall, Room 220, 38 Hill Street, Roswell, Georgia 30075
A car en route to deliver very precious cargo, made an emergency stop on the side of the highway, and a Sandy Springs Police Officer was reminded that there's nothing "routine" about routine patrol!
The Tiller Walk residents wanted to show SSFD their appreciation after all of the stations responded to a house fire in their neighborhood. The community donated Traeger grills to each station, and contributed to the SSPD Benevolent Fund. Our community loves us!
You are invited to attend a Workshop for Candidate Training. This free workshop will be presented by the Georgia Government Transparency and Campaign Finance Commission (GGT & CFC) (formally known as the State Ethics Commission).
24/7 Wall St created an index of 25 measures in four main categories - economy, affordability, quality of life, and community - using data from the U.S. Census Bureau, the FBI, and other sources to identify the best city to live in each state. Proud to call Sandy Springs home!
During its June 15, 2021 meeting, the City Council approved an ordinance to amend the City’s zoning code categorizing Party House events as a temporary use that will require an administrative permit.
During its June 15, 2021 meeting, the Sandy Springs City Council approved an Intergovernmental Agreement with Fulton County for the Transportation Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax (TSPLOST) Referendum.
The Chattahoochee River 911 Authority (ChatComm) is seeking re-accreditation from the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies, Inc. (CALEA), Communications Accreditation. Members of the community anCity staff are invited to offer comments.
The Topside Tap Trail, a craft brewery trail comprised of seven breweries located in the cities of Roswell, Alpharetta and Sandy Springs, receive Travelblazer Award from the Georgia Association of Convention & Visitors Bureaus.
The City Council approved an intergovernmental agreement (IGA) with the Fulton County Board of Education to fund the rehabilitation of 4 tennis courts at Ridgeview Charter Middle School. The IGA proposes renovation of 2 tennis courts and convert 2 tennis to 4 pickleball courts.
Visit Roswell, Awesome Alpharetta and Visit Sandy Springs announced their partnership to launch the Topside Tap Trail. This brewery trail is comprised of seven branded breweries in metro Atlanta’s “topside."
The City of Sandy Springs will host two virtual information sessions on Monday, April 26, 2021, to solicit input from the community regarding transportation projects for inclusion on the City’s Transportation Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax (T-SPLOST) project list.
Aerial views of Sandy Springs are akin to a spring lawn due to the City's lush tree canopy. The City's commitment to tree preservation, care, and reforestation programs has earned Sandy Springs recognition on a national and worldwide scale.
The City partnered with the Sandy Springs Conservancy and the Path Foundation in 2019 to develop a city-wide Trails Master Plan. The 10-year implementation plan includes seven miles of trails.
The Sandy Springs City Council approved a Street Racing Ordinance to provide regulations and penalties for those organizing or participating in street racing and reckless driving exhibitions and spectators for those events.
The current Transportation Master Plan (TMP) was adopted was in 2008, with many changes taking place since that time. The plan is intended to identify and offer recommendations on transportation projects and policies that will improve the mobility and overall safety for all users
The City of Sandy Springs will open on December 23, 2020, its Request for Proposals (RFP) for non-profit organizations requesting funds allocated as part of the City's COVID Grant Program.
Sandy Springs businesses with 99 or fewer employees that have experienced a loss of revenue because of the coronavirus pandemic can apply for financial assistance as part of the City of Sandy Springs Small Business Relief Assistance Program beginning December 9, 2020.
The Sandy Springs City Council has approved additional funding for several local non-profit agencies connected with federal COVID-19 relief funds provided through the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program.
The City of Sandy Springs has received high credit ratings from Standard & Poor’s and Moody’s in support of the City’s $161.7 million Taxable Refunding Revenue Bonds Series 2020.
The Sandy Springs City Council has approved a new Memorandum of Understanding with Kennesaw State University (KSU) that will provide opportunities to build on the existing collaboration between the City and the University.