city of sandy springs

Sandy Springs Trail Groundbreaking Ceremony

December 1, 2022

SANDY SPRINGS, GA – (Dec 1, 2022) Mark your calendar for the groundbreaking to begin construction of the City’s first segment of trail outlined in the Sandy Springs Trail Master Plan. The 1.88 mile segment includes a scenic boardwalk across Orkin Lake, and will enhance access to the Chattahoochee River, connecting Morgan Falls Overlook Park to Roswell Road at Cimarron Parkway.

The official groundbreaking will take place Tuesday, Dec. 6 at 11:30 a.m. at the Morgan Falls River Park/Dog Park, 100 Morgan Falls Road. (Parking is available adjacent to the park)

The project consists of the construction of an 8’- 12’ wide multi-use, paved trail, retaining walls, drainage structures, pedestrian bridges, top-down boardwalk with concrete decking, roadway realignments, landscaping, and trail signage.

The City received a Georgia Department of Natural Resources Georgia Conserve Grant in the amount of $3,000,000, under the Georgia Outdoor Stewardship Program. The project is estimated to cost $7,800,000. The City is required to provide a cash match to cover the remaining construction costs of approximately $4,800,000.

Winter Weather

Winter Weather

Due to inclement winter weather, City Hall will open later than usual on Tuesday, January 21, 2025. Administrative offices will open at 11 a.m. Emergency services will operate as scheduled. The City Council meeting will proceed as scheduled.
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